Some Important Questions about COVID-19 That Need Answers


How can I protect myself from COVID-19 if it spreads in my community?

When COVID-19 is spreading in your community, everyone has to take some precautionary steps such as physical distancing, wearing masks, making rooms ventilated, cleaning your hands, etc.          

We have to maintain 6 feet distance between ourselves and people who don’t live in our household. In indoor spaces just open windows and doors to get fresh air, and cleaning the objects like frequently touched objects like lift buttons, staircase with alcohol sanitizer.

There are some common symptoms of COVID-19 are like dry cough, fever, tiredness. There are some other symptoms which are very few for some patients like loss of taste, sore throat, headaches, red eyes, etc. if you feel any symptoms just stay in the home for 14 days and took proper medication to ask your community people to do the same. Outdoor gatherings are safer than indoor gatherings because indoor places were small we are unable to get air and the virus will easily pass from one person to another. If you have fever, cough, sore throat then just call helpline numbers and be in quarantine for 14 days. If you have any symptoms just stay away from your family within 6 feet distance.

What should you do if you have been exposed to COVID-19?

Watch for symptoms for 14 days after exposure. If you have any symptoms in these 14 days just stay in the home for 14 days by making self-quarantine by taking some precautionary steps by checking temperature, making a good diet, doing exercise, etc

The virus spreads mainly from an infected person who is in close contact with another person through the nose and mouth as they breathe, cough, sneeze, sing or speak. Some small droplets and aerosols containing the virus it passes away from one person to another. if you test negative even if you feel healthy and do not have any symptoms just stay home and away from others for fourteen days. Ask our doctor when to end quarantine if you are sick wear a mask and stay at least 6 feet from others, wash your hands, avoid crowds, carry hand sanitizer regularly, and take other steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Check your temperature regularly with a thermometer two times a day and watch for fever. Look into the other signs and symptoms of COVID-19, such as cough, shortness of breath, muscle pain, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell. If you have any contact with any person who has COVID - 19 positives in meetings just inform the government about the meeting to prevent COVID - 19.

If you develop symptoms in the quarantine time just call helpline numbers to get medication from doctors.

Under what conditions does COVID-19 spread easily?

The people who got COVID-19 in their family 75 percentage of cases reported within 5 days of the first house hold member getting sick, any situation in which people are in close range to one another for long periods of time will increase the risk of transmission. No ventilation is riskier than the outdoor location. It does not need to be physical. For example, it is possible to get the disease from being within 6 feet trusted Source of someone who has it.

Corona virus usually transmits from person to person. When a person sneezes, coughs, or talks, they can pass the virus on through respiratory droplets to anyone within 6 feet distance. The droplets enter inside through the mouth or nose it directly goes to the lungs.COVID-19 passes from one person to another person through the mouth or nose of an infected person. We can get viruses through the touched surfaces that someone who has virus has coughed or sneezed. Some viruses like the flu are transmitted easily in cold air.

Transmission can occur more easily are-

1- Crowded places with many people nearby

2- Close-contact settings, especially where people have conversations very near each other;

3- With poor ventilation

Can the corona virus disease be transmitted in hot or humid climates?

WHO said that COVID -19 can be transmitted in all areas including hot weather. There is no evidence that COVID -19 cases will decrease in summer because in countries like Saudi Arabia, India the weather is rising up to 44 c also they are getting new cases daily. Don’t think the temperature higher than 25 c does not protect from COVID -19, we can get COVID -19 no matter how the climate is, and we didn't get evidence till about a direct connection between climate change and about COVID - 19 cases.

Corona virus it is growing rapidly and transmitting in all areas including areas with a hot climate, take some protective measures to get out of COVID-19race. The best way to protect ourselves from COVID - 19 by cleaning hands, wearing a mask, avoid touching our face, eyes, mouth, and nose. COVID -19 it doesn’t depend on weather so it is all some fake reports so don’t believe all that do some regular exercise to make fit.

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