Prep Yourself Against Coronavirus: Important Dos and Don'ts

Coronavirus is not a new term for anyone now. Probably everyone in the world right now has got familiar with the repercussions this virus can cause. From flu to fever, from cough to lung damage, the virus of COVID-19 has turned the world upside down for all of us.

Though vaccines are being rolled out all across the globe and vaccination drives are running at a full pace still the pandemic has not met its end. Hence, in order to fight the battle strongly against Coronavirus, here is a list of simple dos and don'ts which you must follow to protect yourself and your loved ones from catching the virus.


Wash Your Hands: Consider this point as the most important as washing your hands can help you protect yourself from the deadly virus. Use a bar of soap or preferably liquid soap and wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. Repeat the same process numerous times of the day so as to safe-keep your body.

Use A Sanitizer: A sanitizer is a strong weapon to kill the virus. Hence, use a sanitizer that has at least 60% alcohol content. Use it in a generous amount. Make sure to not use it frequently as it can damage your tender skin.

Learn The Symptoms: You must be aware of all the possible symptoms of COVID-19. Its common symptoms include fever, cough, cold, shortness of breath, etc. Educate yourself about the symptoms and visit a doctor on observing any of these signs if they last for more than 10-14 days.

Caution At Public Places: Public places like malls, theaters, offices, hospitals, etc. are most prone to viruses. Hence, if possible do not visit the same. And when visited, make sure you wear a mask and maintain a safe distance.

Quarantine After A Tour: If you have traveled somewhere and observe a few symptoms of Covid-19 in yourself, the best option is to consult your doctor and quarantine yourself. Avoid getting in contact with people in order to minimize the risk of spreading.

Prioritize Your Health: In times of pandemic, your health should be your priority. Hence, keep a track of your blood pressure, oxygen level, pulse rate, etc. Also, take necessary medicines on time without skipping even once.

Healthy Diet: Make sure you eat healthy food in all your meals. Avoid ordering food online and eat home-cooked food. Add nutritious foods to your diet to keep your health intact.


Do Not Travel: Unless and until it is extremely important, do not travel. It is better to stay indoors in a safe environment away from the chaos, crowd, and virus.

Do Not Forget Masks: Masks are a useful savior, especially in recent times. Hence, do not forget to wear a mask. Also, make sure you wear a mask properly by covering your nose and mouth appropriately.

Do Not Panic: Yes, the virus is scary but do not panic. Stay calm, follow all the prescribed guidelines, follow all the safety protocols, and you are good. Do not stress, just stay patient and adopt all necessary measures to ensure your health's safety.

Do Not Hoard Necessities: It is very important to have a sufficient amount of necessities like food and medicines but make sure to not overstock them. Have them in a just amount. Hoarding is totally advised to be avoided.

Do Not Forget To Sanitize: People usually forget to sanitize their surroundings and the things purchased from a market. Hence, make it a point that you sanitize everything before you take the things in.

Do Not Ignore Symptoms: If you ever observe the symptoms of coronavirus in your body, do not ignore them. Quarantine yourself, take consultation from a doctor, take necessary medicines, and avoid meeting people.

Hence, these were all the significant dos and don'ts that you must follow to the core. Ignoring them may cost you health issues. Hence, prioritize your health and safety.

Also, if you are in need of safety gear and test kits like the COVID-19 Antigen Detection Kit, get in touch with Global Care Company. The organization provides an economical COVID-19 Antigen Detection Kit that provides accurate results. The inferences provided by their kit are perfect, quick, simple, and cost-effective as well.

Visit to know more.
