The History And Striking Facts Of The Global Warming Issue

Global warming is one such issue that is not left unheard by anyone. It is that global issue that was earlier slowly but now swiftly hampering the health of the environment.

Glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, wildlife is endangering, numerous wildlife species are getting extinct, the ozone layer is depleting, and even the lush green forests are dying. It is all because of global warming that all such major catastrophic changes are occurring day by day.

But how and when did this started? Well, global warming is not a recent issue. It dates back to the 18th century. Its repercussions have been felt and seen over the past hundreds of years but since its levels are rising now, it has caught the much-needed attention. Many scientists from all across the globe have been mentioning global warming and its effects on the environment for many years now. But before anyone could understand how to handle this environmental pandemic, the situation kept slipping out of hand and is now standing there as an uninvited guest.

How Is Global Warming Affecting The Earth And Its Environment?

Global warming is an environmental issue. It occurs when carbon dioxide along with numerous other pollutants and greenhouse gases collects in the atmospheric layers and soak up the solar radiation and sunlight which bounces off the earth.

Usually, these radiations take an exit into space but all because of these pollutants, the heat gets trapped and ultimately makes our planet face a rise in temperature. Earth gets hotter and hotter day by day due to the trapped heat. This entire phenomenon is the greenhouse effect which is the root cause of Global Warming.

Alarming Causes Of Global Warming

Global warming has caused damages to an unimaginable extent. There are hundreds of such causes which the earth and the residents of the planet have and are still facing every single day. The prominent ones are mentioned below:-

  • Rising Temperature: Due to global warming, the earth is getting hotter rapidly. The temperature is rising to an enormous level making it hard for life to survive.
  • Weather Changes: All thanks to global warming, the earth is facing severe weather changes. There has been an increase in the occurrence of floods, tornadoes, rainfall, droughts, cyclones, earthquakes, etc. all across the world due to global warming.
  • Acidification Of Oceans: Since sea levels are rising and absorbing a lot of pollutants, the oceans are getting acidified. This is hampering the sea health and the life of marine creatures.
  • Melting Ice Sheets: The rise in temperature is making the ice sheets and glaciers melt at a swift rate. They are getting merged into the sea and making the sea-level rise to a large level.

Thus, these above-mentioned causes of global warming are those ones that are deteriorating the health of the earth.

Now, let us have a look at some of the striking facts of global warming that have been noticed almost all over the globe. They are mentioned as follows:-

  1. Though carbon dioxide and methane gases are required for the survival of human life but their over-emittance is highly dangerous.
  • Human activity, particularly greenhouse gas emissions, is considered the principal cause of temperature increase.
  • There is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today than at any point in the last 800,000 years.
  • Since the year 1870, global sea levels have lifted by about 8-9 inches.
  • 11 percent of all global greenhouse gas emissions caused by humans are due to deforestation!
  • The concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in our atmosphere, as of the month of May 2020, is the highest it has been in human history ever.
  • Since the year 1880, the average temperature of the earth has risen by 1.4-Fahrenheit degrees!
  • The last two decades of the century have been the warmest in the past 400 years because of global warming.
  • Global warming has aggravated forest fires, heatwaves, and severe tropical storms throughout the world in the past few years to an alarming rate.
  1. Human activities release around 40 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide per year which is resulting in climate changes.

These were just a few significant facts about global warming. There are millions of others that are even more perilous to the environment.

So, what should be done to bring back the normalcy in the climate and environment? Well, the best solution is to adopt sustainable development. Along with that, we must take effective steps towards recycling and reuse of goods.

Thus, if you want to live a life free from pollution and global warming, make sure you take enough measures to protect our precious green planet.

Also, if you want to become a part of a noble initiative, get in touch with Ogmios Foundation by visiting You can join hands with their noble cause which works towards saving our planet and its environment.


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