
Showing posts from January, 2021

The History And Striking Facts Of The Global Warming Issue

Global warming is one such issue that is not left unheard by anyone. It is that global issue that was earlier slowly but now swiftly hampering the health of the environment. Glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, wildlife is endangering, numerous wildlife species are getting extinct, the ozone layer is depleting, and even the lush green forests are dying. It is all because of global warming that all such major catastrophic changes are occurring day by day. But how and when did this started? Well, global warming is not a recent issue. It dates back to the 18th century. Its repercussions have been felt and seen over the past hundreds of years but since its levels are rising now, it has caught the much-needed attention. Many scientists from all across the globe have been mentioning global warming and its effects on the environment for many years now. But before anyone could understand how to handle this environmental pandemic, the situation kept slipping out of hand and is

Ozone Layer Depletion: Causes and Protective Solutions

  Ozone layer depletion is the thinning of the earth's ozone layer gradually in the upper atmosphere due to the chemical compounds releasing in the atmosphere containing gaseous chlorine or bromine from human activities or industries. This ozone layer protects many lives on the earth and filters out harmful UV radiation coming from the sun. Ozone layer depletion is not just a matter of concern on the environment but it also increases the health complications such as eye cataracts, suppression of the immune system, and even skin cancer. The ozone-depleting substances containing chlorine include carbon tetrachloride, chlorofluorocarbon, methyl chloroform, and hydrochlorofluorocarbons. While, the ozone-depleting substances containing bromine include, methyl bromide, halons, and hydro bromofluorocarbons.  What are the causes of Ozone Layer Depletion? In the past few years, ozone layer depletion has become a major concern due to the certain factors. The main factors responsible fo

Global Warming: The Principal Reason For Earth's Climate Change

You surely must have heard the recent news of the rising temperature of the Earth, the melting of glaciers, ice turning green in the continent of Antarctica, rising air pollution, etc. All these consequences are deteriorating the health of our green planet. But do you know what is the most chief reason behind all such consequences? Well, it is for sure, Global Warming. Let us understand what is global warming and how it impacts our planet's health and condition. Global Warming: The Meaning Global warming is basically an environmental condition wherein the earth's temperature and atmosphere undergo a progressive rise. It is generally connected to the greenhouse effect that is caused by a rise in chlorofluorocarbons, carbon dioxide, along with several other pollutants. Due to global warming, numerous weather and climate changes occur like an excessive lift in temperature, heavy rainfall, melting of ice, cyclones, earthquakes, hurricanes, and a lot of such hazardous natural ca